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The Most Welcoming States for Retirement

Some states don't seem to care if you retire there or not. But many others have taken important steps to encourage you to pack up and move there. Here are 13 of the friendliest. More »

Tucson, Arizona thinks that Tucson is going to be one of the hottest real estate markets in 2020.  It is a very popular place to retire with desert and mountains to enjoy, plus the Univ. of Arizona. Median home price is about $230,000. More>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Memphis, Tennessee

The median home price in Memphis is well below the national at $188,000, but thinks there is plenty of potential. There is a lot to do in this musically oriented town, and many places to live in an around. More>>

Hot Real Estate Markets: A Move Away from the Coasts

Two new outfits are predicting their lists of the hottest real estate markets for the next few years. While there wasn't much agreement on cities, they did agree that coastal areas were not going to continue their hot streak.  Hot Stuff>>

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